Our Approach

Our mission is to provide competent advice and solutions to difficult problems in a personal, caring and expedient way. We provide advice and counsel for all generations with a focus on the Elderly, but understanding that any generation can benefit from advance legal planning.

First and foremost, we strive to prevent problems by encouraging effective planning. If problems or situations arise and/or if planning has not been done we work to find the most time and cost effective solutions.

Timothy Loff has been in practice for over 36 years and has been specializing in Probate work for over 18 years. We can tell you, experience means a lot in this business. We strive to stay up to date on the constantly changing laws and regulations.

We utilize a Three Step process in any legal matter: Intake, Preparation, and Execution.

The Intake Phase is where we meet and have a conversation to ask you questions and allow you to ask us questions. The purpose of this phase is to determine whether you have a concern that we can help you with, and whether both you and we believe that we could have a good working relationship.

If we agree to work together on your matter we start by putting together a Legal Services Engagement Letter that outlines the work we will do for you, our fee arrangement, if possible an estimate of the fees, and our expectations of how you need to assist us in accomplishing your goals. We may require an initial Fee Retainer to start the work which will be billed against as the matter progresses. Any final payment would be due when the matter is completed.

Once retained, we would begin the Preparation Phase. During this time we would work with you to collect important facts and documents and perform any necessary research needed. We will consider and present you with all reasonable options to accomplish your goals.

The Execution Phase is where, after you have agreed on an approach to your problem or project we start preparing the documents or start taking the actions necessary to accomplish the tasks needed to accomplish your goals. We aim to keep you fully advised as the matter progresses and let you know immediately of any problems that arise.

Once your matter is complete we will close the file and discuss with you any follow-up needed.  As time passes laws will change, and so will relationships and living situations. We encourage our clients to follow up with us once every year or two to ensure that their goals are still being met.

Thank you for visiting our website and we would appreciate the opportunity to provide you and your family with support and Care Through Generations!