New Scam Regarding National Grid

If you receive a call regarding past due balances, but have recently paid your bill call National Grid to be sure it is not a scam. The customer service number is at the end of the article below.



Company Reminds Customers Phone Payments Are Accepted, But Never Demanded

WALTHAM. Mass., — National Grid is warning its customers of a new, nationwide utility bill scam. In the past several days National Grid electric customers have received telephone calls from individuals claiming to work for National Grid. These scammers demand payment, through a pre-paid card, on past due balances for electric accounts and threaten customers that their service will immediately be shut-off for non-payment. In some cases the caller also tells the customer that they may have a faulty meter that is dangerous and in need of replacing for a substantial fee. The electric meter is the property of National Grid. Customers are not responsible for meter replacement costs. Callers are then directed to purchase a pre-paid card to make an immediate payment in order to keep their power on.

National Grid does contact customers with past due balances by phone to offer payment options, but never demands direct payment over the telephone. If customers wish, they can arrange for a payment by check, credit card or debit card if they speak directly to a customer service representative. Payment can also be made by credit card or debit card without a representative’s assistance. Customers who have received calls demanding immediate payment through a pre-paid card or who have billing questions should call the Customer Contact Center. Customers in New England can call 1-800-322-3223.

Giving Back To The Community Has Its Rewards

If you live in Newton and are looking to give back to the community and save some money or your taxes you should take a look at the link below.  This link will take you to website for the Newton Senior Tax Work-Off Program.  This program provides qualified seniors, who work up to 125 hours for the city, a rebate of up to $1000 against their real estate taxes.

Even if you are not a senior, you may be able to help a friend or loved one.  The program has been recently expanded to allow a ‘proxy’ to work on behalf of a senior that qualifies.  The tax rebate earned would go to the senior’s real estate taxes.  For more information click the link below, or contact Lynn Feinman at the Department of Senior Services (617)796-1675.